two english pointer dogs intertwined while sleeping in car

Planning a long-distance drive with your dog next holiday

Traveling long distances in the car with your dog can be a fun and rewarding experience, but it also requires some preparation and planning to ensure your pet's safety and comfort. Here are some tips to help make your journey a success.

Prepare Your Dog

Before you hit the road, make sure your dog is comfortable with car travel. Take them on short trips to help them get used to the car and to gauge how they will react to a longer journey. If your dog gets car sick, talk to your veterinarian about medication to help prevent nausea, there is also sprays available than can assist with anxiety.

Safety First

It's important to keep your dog safe while in the car. Use a harness or carrier to secure your dog and prevent them from being thrown around in case of sudden stops or accidents. Never let your dog ride in the front seat, as airbags can be dangerous to dogs in case of a collision. Always check with local authorities about what is required as heavy fines can be issued if non-compliant.

Pack Supplies

Bring everything your dog will need for the journey, including food, water, treats, bowls, and any medications. Bring a leash for rest stops and potty breaks and bring poop bags to clean up after your dog. Our store sells plenty of products designed to assist with the journey.

Plan Rest Stops

Plan rest stops every few hours to allow your dog to stretch their legs, go to the bathroom, and get some exercise. Look for pet-friendly rest areas or parks where your dog can run around and play. You can also stop into a dog friendly cafes or restaurant for a bite to eat.

Keep Your Dog Comfortable
Make sure your dog is comfortable throughout the journey. Bring their favorite blanket or bed and adjust the temperature to their liking. Bring toys or tested dog chews to keep them entertained and use a sunshade to keep them cool on hot days. Most dogs are happy to watch the world whiz past with their heads out the window.

Avoid Feeding Before Travel

It's best to avoid feeding your dog before the journey to prevent car sickness. Give them a light meal a few hours before you leave and offer water regularly throughout the journey. If you do need to feed them during the trip, ensure you give them plenty of time to digest before starting on the next leg.

Take Breaks
If your dog is getting restless or agitated, take a break and spend some time outside the car. Play a game of fetch or take a short walk to help burn off some energy. If they are not used to travelling, they may be a bit more needy, so try not to get frustrated with them and remember to have fun.

In conclusion, traveling long distances in the car with your dog can be a great experience, as long as you take the necessary precautions to keep your dog safe and comfortable. With these tips, you can ensure a successful and enjoyable journey for both you and your furry friend.

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